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Fujian Eastone Products Group. is located in Xiamen which is the biggest stone export city. With more than 15 years of stone manufacture and export experience, we supply high quality granite, marble and others with good prices and excellent services to meet different customers’ needs. We have our own factories which lie in Quanzhou city, the most important stone base in China. There are about 120 employees in our factories at present. We have three quarries: G603, G654, and G682. The yearly productions respectively are 100000m3, 40000m3 and 50000m3. The monthly production of tiles, slabs and countertops exceeds 100000m2 and tombstone exceeds 300m3.Our main products include tiles and slabs, countertop, paving stone, tombstone, construction products (floor, wall, windowsill, stairs, fireplace, pillar, kerbstone etc.), landscaping products (sculpture, chair and table, fountain, flowerpot etc.). They are exported mainly to the countries and regions includ ing Europe, America, Mid-... [详细介绍]